Public Notice - Coos Bay Rail Line Addresses Ongoing Vandalism and Theft of Navigational Equipment
March 3, 2025
In the past few months, CBRL has experienced reoccurring acts of theft and vandalism to both the Umpqua and North Bend turn span bridges.
These incidents involve either removing or destroying recently upgraded navigational lighting. These acts not only create a navigational hazard for marine vessels, but they also subject CBRL to potential fines from the USCG when they go undetected.
Moving forward we will be designing methods to prevent these types of acts from occurring and increasing surveillance of our property. In the meanwhile, we would like to remind the public that occupying railroad property without permission and tampering with navigation lights are both Federal offenses and will be vigorously prosecuted. Also, these incidents will be reported to the Department of Homeland Security and are subject to be treated as acts of domestic terrorism.