CBRL Timber Bridge Rehabilitation Project
May 31, 2019
The Coos Bay Rail Line is a shortline class III railroad owned and operated by the Port of Coos Bay. The 134-mile long line provides connections to the North American rail network for manufacturing operations in Coos, Douglas, and Lane Counties, and for marine terminals in the Coos Bay harbor. The line began operations in 1916, passing through several owners until it was shut down in 2007 due to safety issues related to deferred maintenance. The line was acquired in a feeder line proceeding before Surface Transportation board in 2009, and was returned to service in October of 2011. The traffic line is expected to maintain at around 7,500 cars annually until additional industries are brought into service along the rail corridor.
The Coos Bay Rail Line traverses 121 bridges between the interchange in Eugene and end of line in Coquille. Timber bridges make up the multitude of these bridge structures, many of which cross waterways. These bridges require constant maintenance and upgrades in order to ensure good working order.
The work for this Project includes the repair and/or rehabilitation to over thirty timber bridge structures along the Coos Bay Rail Line (CBRL), located in western Lane, western Douglas, and Coos Counties. Work includes replacement of identified timber bridge bent caps; replacement of identified timber bridge stringers; replacement of identified timber bridge deck ties; structural repairs or reframe of identified timber bridge bents; furnish and install ballast at timber bridge approaches; and surfacing and tamping of track at timber bridge approaches. The Port contracted with Scott Partney Construction, Inc, in March 2018 who has started construction and rehabilitation. The project kicked off in May 2018 and concluded May 2019.
A total of 37 timber bridges was repaired and overall project cost about $2.3 million. This project is funded by an Oregon Lottery Backed Bond Grant awarded to the Port in 2013.